2011 Year to date (YTD) Return |
Portfolio | -0.91% |
Equities | -5.63% |
Dividend/Interest for 2011 | $106,578 |
Absolute Return Since 11/2007
Portfolio | 11.06% |
Equities | 23.39% |
Lousy performance by myself. I don't know what to say! :p But to make myself happier, since Nov 2007(when i started the portfolio), I had an equity portfolio XIRR of 8.16% and a total portfolio XIRR of 3.85%. What does this means? It means, I have only tracked the long-term average of 8-10% in equity. The total portfolio XIRR of 3.85% means I have beaten the local deposit rates and I would have done better simply putting all my money into a SGD Corporate Bond like DBS which could yield me more than 4%. But then again, bonds will never give you equity-like return of 8-10% :) and my weightage of bonds/cash makes performance a drag on the total portfolio XIRR.
I've been wondering... how can a bull market end this year or next when it haven't actually felt like a bull since end 2010. Is the herd on the pessimistic side? Does it even feel like a bull. I only felt the bull in the property market for the last 3 yrs. Time for equities to outperform? :)