2011 Year to date (YTD) Return |
Portfolio | -0.91% |
Equities | -5.63% |
Dividend/Interest for 2011 | $106,578 |
Absolute Return Since 11/2007
Portfolio | 11.06% |
Equities | 23.39% |
Lousy performance by myself. I don't know what to say! :p But to make myself happier, since Nov 2007(when i started the portfolio), I had an equity portfolio XIRR of 8.16% and a total portfolio XIRR of 3.85%. What does this means? It means, I have only tracked the long-term average of 8-10% in equity. The total portfolio XIRR of 3.85% means I have beaten the local deposit rates and I would have done better simply putting all my money into a SGD Corporate Bond like DBS which could yield me more than 4%. But then again, bonds will never give you equity-like return of 8-10% :) and my weightage of bonds/cash makes performance a drag on the total portfolio XIRR.
I've been wondering... how can a bull market end this year or next when it haven't actually felt like a bull since end 2010. Is the herd on the pessimistic side? Does it even feel like a bull. I only felt the bull in the property market for the last 3 yrs. Time for equities to outperform? :)
Hello WJ,
Let me do my part to cheer you up even more ;)
I don't much for percentages...
A XIRR of 100% on 10,000 capital is still "only" 10,000 gained. And to achieve that return, I have to take on greater risks...
If I can have your 100,000 dividends annually, I don't care if my % returns is below the 10 year SG bond yield.
OK, that's a lie! But still, I am more an absolute returns person.
Haha.. your last sentence indeed is funny!
Thanks. I'm also an absolute guy but I like to benchmark :)
WJ, i presume you still have constant income stream from work.
How do you account for them in your portfolio as they will enlarge your size but not considered returns.
Hi Cory,
Nope. I'm currently not working but might do something if I find it interesting.
But if there is any capital injection, I will also add it as a denominator(under total invested capital).
Equities -3.48%
Dividend/Interest for 2011 $78,909
So did your Equities -3.48% included the divident? If not, if added, what is the Equities return be like YTD ?
Hi, why did you stop having portfolio updates?
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