Time to get motivated for planning what we want to achieve next year ! :)
Loved the speech so much.
The Pursuit of Wealth Thru' Capital Preservation and Appreciation.
So when friends ask me what to buy, guess what I say ?
Pretty brainless AAA bet even for Singaporeans – instant carry with massively higher yields. There is little reason for the SGD to out perform the AUD now that the RBA has little onshore reason to cut further after reading into RBA Governor Steven’s remarks last week. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-20/stevens-says-animal-spirits-needed-to-spur-australian-growth.html
Here is the three formula you need to know :
i) Property Yield = Rental / Purchase Price
ii) (+/-)Cashflow = Rental - Installment Payment(principal+interest)
iii) ROIC (return on invested capital) =
[ Gross Rental - Interest paid(exclude principal) - Misc Expenses)] / Downpayment
(Often in the high 8% to double digit % if you are using max loan with 20% downpayment.)
This discussion thread is for sharing good lobangs with the forumers here. Please feel free to contribute any good lobangs that you had come across.In the current low sale-volume climate, we foresee many developers' projects going to drop prices soon - especially for those unsold units that are near, or have even passed, their T.O.P dates. In fact, some have already dropped prices. I shall start by contributing here:
27 July 2014
1) Vermont on CairnhillCairnhill Rise (D09)FreeholdJust T.O.P.Many units went by more than half-million dollars discounts Results: 31 units out of the last 34 units were sold in 2 weeks upon the start of the discount program.Currently left with only 3 units of 3BR.From $2.691m, or $2016psf nett.
2) WhitehavenPasir Panjang Road (D05)FreeholdLast unit of 4BR DK ($1530psf) and 12 units of penthouses (from $1285psf)Developer opened to negotiation!
3) The SkywoodsDairy Farm Road (D23) near Hillview MRT Station99-years LHPrices have dropped to $1,1xx to $1,3xx psf Results: 19 units sold in 2 weeks
4) The CrestPrince Charles Crescent (D03)99-years LHPrices are averagely $1,6xx psf to $1,9xx psf. Already cheaper than the neighbouring Echelon, yet buyers will enjoy additional ABSD rebates.
5) Hallmark ResidencesEwe Boon Road (D10) near Stevens MRTFreeholdT.O.P. coming soonPrices slashed by 10%. Average prices dropped from $2,3xx psf to $1,8xx psf (for 3BR from $2.8m, 4BR from $3.5m) to $1,9xx psf (for 2BR, from $1.89m).Results: 40% sold in 2weeks. For buyers looking for 4BR, there are only 2 units left.
6) The TrilinqJalan Lempeng (D05) near Clementi MRT99-yrs LHDeveloper opened to negotiation. But re-launch program coming soon. Stay tuned.
The More Important Game of LifeWhile the evidence is overwhelming that passive investing is the winning investment strategy, it's also the winning strategy in the far more important game of life. Here's why.
As a passive investor, when I come home from my busy day, I get to sit down with a glass of wine and ask my wife about her day and how my kids and grandchildren are doing. Because I didn't spend my time trying to beat the market, I also got to coach my youngest daughter's softball, soccer and basketball teams. I also read 50 to 70 books each year, do community service, play tennis, and focus on the other really important things in my life.
Investors following an active management strategy spend much of their precious leisure time watching the latest business news, studying the latest charts, reading financial trade publications, and so on. Even if they are among the few who are successful at the active management game of generating alpha (performance above risk-adjusted benchmarks), the "price" of success may have been that they lost the far more important game of life.
The question for you to consider is what are the important things in your life? Is it trying to generate extra returns through active management strategies that require you to "invest" large amounts of your time? Or are the important things in your life time spent with your loved ones, on your faith, your education, your dreams, a worthy cause, teaching or mentoring others? If you don't already know the answer, perhaps this story will help you find it.